Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18

Welcome to the Yearbook! from OIS Yearbook on Vimeo.

Sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I should be able to spend some time with you this afternoon.  Hooray! 

1.  Carlota, Bella, and Luisa Moreira please complete the Yearbook Crew Survey,
2.  Have you approached your cooperating teacher?  What do you need from him/her?  Do you need to go to the homeroom and make a presentation to the students?  How many photos do you need from each student?  etc.  Make a plan to proceed with this step.
3.  Take a photo of the Yearbook Crew,
4.  Make a poster:  Meet the Yearbook Crew, include the photo, the Vimeo URL, and the the QR code!!!!!! (I'm so excited!!!!!!!)  Wait for me to help with this - I will be back around 2:50.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11

1.  Let's sign the card for Sara and wish her well in her new club!  Then you can deliver it;-)

2.  Check out this article (and videos) about a Colorado teen who wants to break the "Senior Picture" tradition.  (Usually this is a head shot).  Read the entire article before you make up your mind about the issue.

3.  Let's create a VIDEO!!! to introduce the Yearbook Crew to the OIS community. The purpose of the video would be say what a yearbook is, to mention this year's theme and to generate interest and participation in the 2011/12 yearbook.
The Design Specification:  The video should be:  approximately 90 seconds, upbeat, and includes all members of the crew.

4. Let's upload the video to Vimeo and create a QR code for the video;-)

We will distribute the code by including it in the Newspaper and printing and distributing the code among the students.  Can you think of any other way?????

This is way cool!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 4

Welcome back Yearbook Crew!

First things first. . .
I need the username and password of the Yearbook GMail account.  I cannot access it.

Complete the survey;-)

In order to plan the book, we need to have certain information.  We need to have a detailed list of: student names; OIS employee names (includes staff/teachers/admin/nurse/librarian/assistants/Sr. Cunha/Sr. António); school events; sporting activities; afterschool activities; assemblies, field trips, etc.  Each event (ex: Christmas Fair) must include the date of the event.

Some events will not be included in the book as it goes to print in May.

Also remember that now there are 8 class pages (not 7) as we have students in Years 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.  We need to have 1 person assigned to each year level and that person would be responsible for collecting images from that year group and creating a page for that year level using the Roy Lichtenstein theme.  That person would create 3 designs and then take them to the year level and allow the year level select the page which will be used in the Yearbook 2011/12.

Let's continue working on compiling and gathering lists.